First up is HR 2643 Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act of 2008.
Jun 27 - The effort to transfer Camp Swampy into the Huron-Manistee National Forest will receive $215,000 in a House appropriations bill approved today.
"Adding the 1,017-acre tract will help combine tens of thousands of acres into a much larger landscape," said U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Holland. "It represents an opportunity to preserve a beautiful area of land for future generations. House approval represents the first stage in a long federal appropriations process, but I intend to work to ensure that it remains in the final bill," Hoekstra said. "It would mark the final installment in a long-term effort to acquire the property and bring it under federal protection."
Now you ask how did Pete vote? He must have said Aye!?! Nope. Sorry. But what about the opportunity to preserve a beautiful area, and the federal protection? Hang on, we'll get to that.
The next piece of legislation is HR 3043Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2008.
Ooooh. Look at what our district gets!
West Shore Medical Center in Manistee would receive $150,000 to help expand and renovate the community hospital in a bill passed by the House today.(July 19th)
Right in my hometown! Tell me what else!
A $200,000 federal appropriation has been reserved for Muskegon County’s Access Health..
Gosh! What did Pete say about these wonderful appropriations?
“West Shore Medical Center provides services that help to ensure the health of the rural community and benefit the local economy,” said U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Holland. “Its expansion and renovation will create a ripple effect that positively impacts local contractors, suppliers and other businesses and services throughout the region.”
It even creates more jobs? Sweet! What about Muskegon?
“Access Health is a national model for providing accessible and affordable health care coverage to the working uninsured,” said U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Holland. “The success of Access Health helps federal policymakers to better understand how to reduce health care costs while achieving better health outcomes.”
That sounds fantastic! He had to vote for this. It's good stuff! Just look at all the help it will give! Well you say? How did Pete vote? Sorry folks, he voted no again. I'm sure there is a good reason why Hoekstra wouldn't want our district to get the help it needs. You know... because the Michigan economy is doing so well and all.
Maybe third time is a charm. Let's look at HR 3074
Departments of Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations bill for Fiscal Year 2008.
This is a dandy. Just look...
Grand Haven Harbor Transit would receive $250,000.
Yates Dial A Ride would receive $250,000.
The Muskegon Area Transit System would receive $250,000.
Michigan would get $43.8 million for transportation and housing projects total.
Whoopee! Come on Pete! You know this is good! Aww man. I guess not good enough. But on your website you said:
“Harbor Transit provides a source of public transportation on which residents and tourists in Grand Haven, Spring Lake and Ferrysburg rely for mobility,” said U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Holland. “The federal funding would enhance a long-standing federal, state and local partnership that has helped to improve the local quality of life.”
and then you said:
“Reliable public transportation provides freedom and access to personal, educational and professional opportunities,” said U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Holland. “The federal contribution would help to expand the local system’s scope in the rural Yates Township community.”
and then:
“The Muskegon public transportation system offers personal freedom by creating countywide accessibility,” said U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Holland. “Muskegon Area Transit has long offered local residents a source of mobility that provides access to area jobs and recreation and reduces emissions into the environment.”
So let's sum this up. Pete voted against:
- Adding 1,017 acres to a National Forest and put it under federal protection
- $150,000 to help expand and renovate a "rural" hospital
- $200,000 for a program that provides health care to the working uninsured
- $750,000 for public transportation in his district
- $43.8 million total for transportation and housing projects in Michigan
Call me crazy, but I think I see a trend here. Pete Hoekstra likes to take credit for all sorts of legislation that helps his district and state on his government website and in the press. But when it comes to votes, Pete Hoekstra does NOT support his district or state. Pete Hoekstra votes against you and what your community needs,PERIOD.
But he sure fooled Burt Parks.....“Quality health care is necessary to attract economic investment and skilled employees to the region,” West Shore Medical Center President Burton Parks said. “We’ve made major investments in growing our facilities, keeping pace with medical technology and attracting skilled physicians and other health care professionals. We thank Rep. Hoekstra and his staff for supporting the hospital and community in this effort.”
Can you believe it!!!????
Yeah, I found it amusing that he is thanking him. Perhaps a well placed letter to the editor...Nah.. how about some ill advised humor: Thanks fer votin' agains deh funds for mah hos pi tahl Mr Huckstra! All us "rureal" folkin shore do preciate it!
See how that puts the quote into context.
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