Thursday, October 18, 2007

Hoekstra votes against SCHIP....AGAIN!

Here's the headline to put out. Why does Pete Hoekstra hate American children? In a recent poll 81% favor expanding SCHIP. 74% say they would be willing to pay more taxes to expand SCHIP. Is everyone getting this?? Not Pete Hoekstra. Pete votes for what Pete believes in. Not you. Not children. Not the people of the United States of America. Who does Hoekstra represent? The insurance industry has given the Lying Dutchman $46,930 in his time in office. Can't afford to take your child to the doctor? Hoekstra says tough luck. Maybe we can do what the Huckster says and "unleash the free market". Michigan's 2nd Congressional District deserves better and should expect better.

The people of MI-2 tried to make their voice heard here and here.